Research Area: Immigration and immigration policy

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Immigration-Related Document Fraud: Overview of Civil, Criminal, and Immigration Consequences
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Law and ethics; Population and demographics
Fixing Border Security and Immigration: A Memo to President-elect Obama
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration-Related Worksite Enforcement: Performance Measures
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Labor; Population and demographics
Old Promises and New Blood: How Immigration Reform Can Help America Prosper in the Face of Baby Boomer Retirement
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Reform Institute Author(s): Dowell Myers
Temporary Protected Status: Current Immigration Policy and Issues
Publication Date: September 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics
Comprehensive Reform of Our Immigration Laws
Publication Date: September 2008 Research Area: Law and ethics; Population and demographics
Don't Close the Golden Door: Making Immigration Policy Work for Development
Publication Date: August 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration: Terrorist Grounds for Exclusion and Removal of Aliens
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics