Research Area: Immigration and immigration policy

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Immigration Reform: Brief Synthesis of Issue
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
Getting Reform Right: The White House's Immigration Initiative
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
Illegal Immigration Alternatives: How States Should Respond
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
White House Report Hides the Real Costs of Amnesty and Low Skill Immigration
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
White House Immigration Report Ducks Heritage Foundation Criticisms
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
Senate Immigration Bill Floor Consideration: Round 2 - Amendments at a Glance
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
Undeniably Amnesty: The Cornerstone of the Senate's Immigration Proposal
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration Amendments Undermine REAL ID and Workplace Enforcement
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Law and ethics; Population and demographics
The Senate Immigration Bill: A National Security Nightmare
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Government; Population and demographics
Visa Waiver Reform: Time for Action
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics