Research Area: Older people

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The Elder Economic Security Standard Index for Wisconsin
Publication Date: July 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Elders Living on the Edge: When Meeting Basic Needs Exceeds Available Income in Illinois
Publication Date: June 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
The Elder Economic Security Index for Illinois
Publication Date: June 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Elders Living on the Edge: The Impact of Public Support Programs in Pennsylvania When Income Falls Short in Retirement
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): PathWays PA
The Elder Economic Security Standard Index for Pennsylvania
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): PathWays PA
Impact of Rising Energy Costs on Older Americans
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Energy; Population and demographics
Elders Living on the Edge: The Impact of California Supports When Income in Retirement Falls Short
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
The Younger Old
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Population and demographics
Consumer Spending by Older Americans, 1985 to 2005
Publication Date: September 2007 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics