Research Area: International financial institutions

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A Survey of the Impacts of IMF Structural Adjustment in Africa
Publication Date: April 1999 Research Area: Banking and finance
China and the Multilateral Development Banks
Publication Date: October 1997 Research Area: Banking and finance
Ten Objections to an East European Development Bank
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Subsidizing Tragedy: The World Bank and the New Colonialism
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
The International Finance Corporation: The World Bank's Private Sector Fraud
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
World Bank Snookers U.S. Congress Again
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
The World Bank MIGA Scheme: Keeping Poor Countries Poor
Publication Date: May 1988 Research Area: Banking and finance
Replenishing the World Bank's IDA: A $12.4 Billion Mistake
Publication Date: February 1987 Research Area: Banking and finance
Why the Soviets Do Not Belong at the World Bank
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance