Research Area: Women

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Jewish Women in Britain
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Israeli Women and Health
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Health; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Israeli Women: Collectivism and Individualism
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Politics; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Being a Jewish Woman in French Society
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Hadassah-Brandeis Institute Author(s): Regine Azria
Timeline of Women and Women's Issues in the Yishuv and Israel: Working Paper
Publication Date: September 1999 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Women in Jewish Communal Service: A Reflection
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
I of the Beholder: Jews and Gender in Film and Popular Culture
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Women are key players in the economies of east and southeast Asia
Publication Date: January 1997 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Sidney B. Westley, Andrew Mason