Research Area: Astronomy and space science and technology

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Liability Issues Associated with the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster
Publication Date: February 2003 Research Area: Science and technology
Data Policy Issues and Barriers to Using Commercial Resources for Mission to Planet Earth
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Science and technology
America's Space Policy: Countdown to Major Reforms
Publication Date: April 1991 Research Area: Science and technology
Red Horizons: The U.S. Response to Soviet Military Gains in Space
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Science and technology
How Transportation Department Policies Help Japan and Hurt U.S. Satellite Makers
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Economics; Science and technology
Why the Physicists' SDI Study Is Flawed
Publication Date: April 1987 Research Area: Military and defense; Science and technology
What Next for NASA
Publication Date: April 1986 Research Area: Science and technology
Government Obstacles to the Commercial Use of Space
Publication Date: March 1985 Research Area: Science and technology