Research Area: Computer science and information technology

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Children and Interactive Media Research Compendium Update
Publication Date: November 2002 Research Area: Education; Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Pathways to Our Future: A Multimedia Training Program for Youth That Works
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Publisher(s): Children's Partnership Author(s): Wendy Lazarus, James Lau
Online Content for Low-Income and Underserved Americans: An Issue Brief
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Computers In Our Future: What Works in Closing the Technology Gap?
Publication Date: June 2001 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Online Content for Low-Income and Underserved Americans: The Digital Divide's New Frontier
Publication Date: March 2000 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Self-Regulation: Regulatory Fad or Market Forces?
Publication Date: May 1999 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Science and technology
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Solveig Singleton
A Billion Dollar Supercomputer Boondoggle?
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Science and technology
The Strategic Dimensions of the U.S. Computer Exports to the USSR
Publication Date: June 1977 Research Area: Science and technology