Research Area: Housing

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No Renters in My Suburban Backyard: Land Use Regulation and Rental Housing
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Social conditions
Publisher(s): Furman Center for Real Estate Author(s): Jenny Schuetz
The State of Florida's Housing 2008
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Social conditions
The FHA Modernization Act of 2008
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
The First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit: An Economic Analysis
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
An Introduction to the Design of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Social conditions
Preserving Homeownership: Foreclosure Prevention Issues
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Tenants: Innocent Victims of the Nation’s Foreclosure Crisis 
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Social conditions