Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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Strengthening Jewish Identity in a Residential Setting
Publication Date: December 1976 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Psychiatric Hazard in the Halachic Disposition Towards Birth Control and Abortion: The Role of the Caseworker
Publication Date: December 1976 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Adoption and After
Publication Date: December 1976 Research Area: Social conditions
Trends in Jewish Child Care
Publication Date: September 1976 Research Area: Social conditions
Social Work and the Jewish Community Center
Publication Date: September 1976 Research Area: Social conditions
Small Group Home Projects for the Elderly
Publication Date: September 1976 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Emerging Trends in Services to Children
Publication Date: September 1976 Research Area: Social conditions
The Impact of Changing Lifestyles on a Family Service Agency
Publication Date: March 1976 Research Area: Social conditions
Integration of Jewish Commitment into the Treatment Process
Publication Date: March 1976 Research Area: Social conditions