Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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Federal Programs Available to Unemployed Workers
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Hunger Hysteria: Examining Food Security and Obesity in America
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Child Support Enforcement: $25 Annual User Fee
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Social conditions
What Can the United States Learn from the Nordic Model?
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Economics; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Daniel J. Mitchell
2007 Farm Bill: Description of the House-Passed Nutrition Provisions
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Summary Analysis of the Senate Agriculture Committee Nutrition Title
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Community Service Employment: A New Opportunity Under TANF
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Social conditions
Most Low-Income Parents Are Employed
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Social conditions
Dynamics of Food Stamp Program Participation, 2001-2003
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Health; Social conditions