Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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The Safety "Net": Online Access to Benefits for Working Families
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
Rethinking Charity
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Social conditions
Categories and Definitions for TANF and MOE Funds
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Social conditions
How States Used TANF and MOE Funds in FY 2002: The Picture from Federal Reporting
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Social conditions
CLASP Update: A CLASP Report on Welfare Developments, 2003
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Social conditions
Welfare Caseloads Increased in Most States in Third Quarter
Publication Date: December 2002 Research Area: Social conditions
Federal Formula Grants: TANF and Welfare Programs
Publication Date: December 2002 Research Area: Social conditions
Child Support: An Important but Often Overlooked Issue for Low-Income Clients
Publication Date: November 2002 Research Area: Social conditions