Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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Child Care After Leaving Welfare: Early Evidence from State Studies
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Social conditions
Medicaid and Welfare Reform: States' Use of the $500 Million Federal Fund
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
TANF Funds: A New Resource for Youth Programs
Publication Date: September 1999 Research Area: Social conditions
The Political Economy of Welfare Reform in the United States
Publication Date: September 1999 Research Area: Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): John Clark, Jay F Hein
Key Implementation Decisions Affecting Low-Income Adults Under the Workforce Investment Act
Publication Date: August 1999 Research Area: Social conditions
TANF and Criminal Convictions
Publication Date: July 1999 Research Area: Justice; Social conditions
Child Support Trends
Publication Date: July 1999 Research Area: Social conditions
Beyond Welfare: New Opportunities to Use TANF to Help Low-Income Working Families
Publication Date: July 1999 Research Area: Social conditions