Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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Welcoming the Stranger: NYANA and the Indochinese Refugees
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Structure and Change: How a Social Service Agency Copes with Dramatic Swings in Client Numbers
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
The Application of Vocational Services to Supplementary Assistance Cases
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Social conditions
State Child Support Cooperation and Good Cause: A Preliminary Look at State Policies
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Social conditions
One Out of Every Five: Teen Mothers and Subsequent Childbearing
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
The IRA: Individual Responsiblity Agreements and TANF Family Life Obligations
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Social conditions
Caring for the Poor: Who's Job Is It?
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): Diana Etindi, Amy Sherman