Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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It's All in the Family: Jewish Family Services and the Federation
Publication Date: November 1995 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
The Case for 'Strings-Attached' Welfare Reform
Publication Date: April 1995 Research Area: Social conditions
Addressing Illegitimacy; The Root of Real Welfare Reform
Publication Date: April 1995 Research Area: Social conditions
Liberal Welfare Programs: What the Data Show on Programs for Teenage Mothers
Publication Date: March 1995 Research Area: Social conditions
Empowering Women at Opposite Ends of the Political and Social Spectrum of Israeli Society
Publication Date: January 1995 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
AmeriCorps: Working Families Will Pay the Price
Publication Date: October 1994 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
Combatting Family Disintegration, Crime, and Dependence: Welfare Reform and Beyond
Publication Date: April 1994 Research Area: Social conditions
On the Use of Language in Pyschotherapy with Emigres from the Former Soviet Union
Publication Date: January 1994 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions