Research Area: Public welfare and social services

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Time to Pull the Plug on Welfare "Reform"
Publication Date: July 1987 Research Area: Social conditions
Reforming Welfare: The Promises and Limits of Workfare
Publication Date: June 1987 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Two Cheers for the Kennedy Welfare Plan
Publication Date: February 1987 Research Area: Social conditions
Paternalism -- the Jewish Dimension
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Continuing Social Work Education in Israel
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: Social conditions
Reagan's Bold Welfare Initiative Offers Hope for the Poor
Publication Date: December 1986 Research Area: Social conditions
Mobilizing Policies to Bolster the Family in the Fight Against Poverty
Publication Date: June 1986 Research Area: Social conditions
What's Special about Jewish Family Service Alcoholism Treatment?
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Social conditions
Economic and Market Determinants in Israeli Adoption Practices
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Social conditions