Research Area: Safety and security

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Biometrics: A Look at Facial Recognition
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Science and technology; Social conditions
Preparing Hospitals, Doctors, and Nurses for a Terrorist Attack
Publication Date: October 2002 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Hudson Institute Author(s): Ronald W. Dworkin
Gun Control Legislation in the 107th Congress
Publication Date: October 2002 Research Area: Social conditions
Guns and Gun Threats at College
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
Firearm Availability and Unintentional Firearm Deaths, Suicide and Homicide Among 5-14 Year Olds
Publication Date: February 2002 Research Area: Health; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Where the Guns Come From: The Gun Industry and Gun Commerce
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Law and ethics; Social conditions
Firearm Prevalence and the Risk of Suicide: A Review
Publication Date: October 2001 Research Area: Health; Social conditions