Research Area: Social research

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Publication Date: April 2008 Research Area: Government; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): Dean Spade
Death by Geography: A County By County Analysis of the Road to Execution in California
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Human rights; Justice; Social conditions
The Hidden Death Tax: The Secret Cost of Seeking Execution in California
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Human rights; Justice; Social conditions
Haredim and the Study of Haredim in Israel: Reflections on a Recent Conference
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
A Baghdad Statistician's Perspective on the Positives and Negatives of Polling in Iraq
Publication Date: September 2007 Research Area: Social conditions
Census Snapshot: Methodological Details
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
In Pursuit of Happiness Research: Is It Reliable? What Does It Imply for Policy?
Publication Date: April 2007 Research Area: Social conditions
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Will Wilkinson