Research Area: Social values

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Developing a Liturgy for the Jewish Communal Profession
Publication Date: January 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Identity and Identification of Jewish Baby Boomers
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Brill Books Author(s): Chaim I. Waxman
2002 Survey of American Jewish Opinion
Publication Date: December 2002 Research Area: Politics; Social conditions
The Anthropology of the Cell Phone
Publication Date: November 2002 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Aggravating Circumstances: A Status Report on Rudeness in America
Publication Date: April 2002 Research Area: Social conditions
Reframing the Study of Contemporary American Jewish Identity
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
2001 Survey of American Jewish Opinion
Publication Date: September 2001 Research Area: Politics; Social conditions
Recent Developments in Jewish Identification in the United States: A Cohort Follow-Up and Facet Analysis
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Culture and religion; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Institute of Contemporary Jewry Author(s): Uzi Rebhun