Research Area: Common markets, free trade associations, and monetary unions

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Doha: Is It Really a Development Round?
Publication Date: May 2002 Research Area: Trade
Trading away U.S. Farms: 'Fast Track' will Exacerbate Problems with U.S. Trade and Agricultural Policies that Continue to Hurt Farmers
Publication Date: September 2001 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Trade
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Robert E. Scott
Overhauling the WTO: Opportunity at Doha and Beyond
Publication Date: September 2001 Research Area: Trade
Undermining the WTO : the case against 'open sectoralism'
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: International relations; Trade
One Year After Seattle: Globalization Revisited
Publication Date: November 2000 Research Area: Trade
Globalization: A Primer
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Trade