Research Area: Philanthropy and nonprofit sector

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Highlights from The 21st Century Donor
Publication Date: September 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Issues Relating to Charitable Contributions and Organizations
Publication Date: August 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Lobbying Regulations on Non-Profit Organizations
Publication Date: May 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Politics
21/64: Strategic Philanthropy Through the Generations, v.10
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Culture and religion
Publisher(s): 21/64 Author(s): Jeffrey Solomon
Slingshot 07-08
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Culture and religion
Publisher(s): 21/64
Avi Chai 2007 Annual Report
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Culture and religion
Publisher(s): AviChai Foundation
Engaging Young Philanthropists
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Transforming Philanthropy in Israel
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance
Philanthropy Forum: Federations Need to Adapt
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Banking and finance; Culture and religion