Research Area: Air transport

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Airline Passenger Rights Legislation in the 107th Congress
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Transportation
How to Commercialize Air Traffic Control
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Transportation
Airports and International Trade in the Bay Area
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Trade; Transportation
Airport and Airway Trust Fund Issues in the 106th Congress
Publication Date: November 2000 Research Area: Transportation
Aviation: Direct Federal Spending, 1918-1998
Publication Date: February 1999 Research Area: Transportation
More Airline Competition: Yet Another Reason for Airport Privatization
Publication Date: September 1996 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Robert W. Jr. Poole
Guidelines for Airport Privatization
Publication Date: October 1994 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Robert W. Jr. Poole
The Public Benefits of Privatizing Logan Airport
Publication Date: November 1991 Research Area: Transportation
Building a Safer and More Effective Air Traffic Control System
Publication Date: February 1991 Research Area: Transportation
Publisher(s): Reason Foundation Author(s): Robert W. Jr. Poole