Research Area: Legislative power and procedure

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Memo to Speaker Pelosi: How to Make PAYGO Discipline the Federal Budget
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Incapacity of a Member of the Senate
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Government
Role of the House Minority Leader: An Overview
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Government
Senate Leadership Structure: Overview of Party Organization
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Government
Senate Leadership: Whip Organization
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Government
Congress Returns to Spending Bills Loaded With Pork
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government
How Minority Leader Pelosi Can Use the Lame Duck Session to Restore Integrity to the Federal Budget Process
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government