Research Area: Legislative power and procedure

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House Committee Hearings: Preparation
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Government
Types of Committee Hearings
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Government
Pay-As-You-Go Rules in the Federal Budget Process
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Government
Timetable for Sequestration Actions
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Government
Budget Resolution Enforcement
Publication Date: March 2001 Research Area: Government
Super-Majority Votes in the Senate
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Government
Senate Rules for Committee Markups
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Government
Senate Amendment Process: General Conditions and Principles
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Government
House Voting Procedures: Forms and Requirements
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Government
Voting in the Senate: Forms and Requirements
Publication Date: February 2001 Research Area: Government