Research Area: Legislative power and procedure

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The Use of Task Forces in the House
Publication Date: December 1999 Research Area: Government
Staff Depositions in Congressional Investigations
Publication Date: December 1999 Research Area: Government
Committee Funding Resolutions and Processes, 106th Congress
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Government
The Committee Markup Process in the House of Representatives
Publication Date: November 1999 Research Area: Government
Decorum in House Debate
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Government
Overview of the Congressional Budget Process
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Government
Introducing a House Bill or Resolution
Publication Date: August 1999 Research Area: Government
Appropriations for FY1999: An Overview
Publication Date: April 1999 Research Area: Government
House Committee Hearings: Scheduling and Notification
Publication Date: March 1999 Research Area: Government