Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Fair Tax Policy Requires a Fair Revenue Baseline
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Four Helpful Hints for States Dealing With Deficits
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Tax Hikes Hiding in Budget Resolutions' Treatment of AMT Patch
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
The House Budget's $3,000-per-Household Tax Increase
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Taxpayer Eligibility for IRAs
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Much Would a State Earned Income Tax Credit Cost In 2009?
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Government
Tax Cuts, Not the Clinton Tax Hike, Produced the 1990s Boom
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Some Ignored Costs of Bonus Depreciation
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Author(s): C. Eugene Steuerle