Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Value-Added Tax: A New U.S. Revenue Source?
Publication Date: August 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
Dog Days in the Senate
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Advisory Panel's Tax Reform Proposals
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
Making Your Taxes Work for You
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Telephone Excise Tax: An Economic Analysis
Publication Date: June 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Media, telecommunications, and information
Overview of the Federal Tax System
Publication Date: June 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
Adding Up: New Tax Breaks in Washington 2004-2006
Publication Date: June 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
Flat Tax Proposals and Fundamental Tax Reform: An Overview
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance
Taxes and International Competitiveness
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance