Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Hurricane Tax Relief: H.R. 4440 and S. 2020
Publication Date: December 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Federal Business Taxation: The Current System, Its Effects, and Options for Reform
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance; Business
Federal Income Tax Thresholds for Selected Years: 1996 Through 2006
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Extending the 2001, 2003, and 2004 Tax Cuts
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Pricing the "Luxury Product": New York City Taxes Under Mayor Bloomberg
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics; Government
H.R. 3768: the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005
Publication Date: September 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance