Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Major Tax Issues in the 109th Congress
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Do-it-Yourself Tax Cuts: The Crisis in U.S. Tax Enforcement
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Max Sawicky
State Estate and Gift Tax Revenue
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Estate and Gift Tax Revenues: Several Measurements
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Alternative Minimum Taxpayers by State
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Social Security: Brief Facts and Statistics
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Washington Tax and Revenue: Where do we go from here?
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Unearned Income Tax in Washington: Building Resources for the Greater Good
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Economic Opportunity Institute Author(s): Stacey Jones
Washington's Estate Tax: Protecting Our State's Resources
Publication Date: March 2005 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Economic Opportunity Institute Author(s): Stacey Jones