Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Passthrough Organizations Not Taxed As Corporations
Publication Date: August 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Estate Tax: Legislative Activity in 2002
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Federal Taxation of Student Aid: An Overview
Publication Date: February 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Selected Tax Law Changes Effective January 1, 2002
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Marriage Tax Penalty: An Overview of the Issues
Publication Date: June 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
Marriage Penalty Legislation: A Comparison of Alternative Proposals
Publication Date: June 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
H.R. 8: The Death Tax Elimination Act of 2001
Publication Date: April 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance