Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Property Tax Reassessment: Issues in Implementation
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Earned Income Tax Credit: Current Issues and Benefit Amounts
Publication Date: September 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
Marriage Tax Penalties: Legislative Proposals in the 106th Congress
Publication Date: July 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
Giving Tax Credit Where Credit is Due: A 'Universal Unified Child Credit'
Publication Date: April 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance; Health
Recent Trends in the Federal Tax Burden
Publication Date: March 2000 Research Area: Banking and finance
Capital Gains Taxes: Distributional Effects
Publication Date: September 1999 Research Area: Banking and finance
California Cities and the Local Sales Tax
Publication Date: July 1999 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Revenue-Raising Plan for Maine
Publication Date: January 1999 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Daphne A. Kenyon
Proposition 13 in Recession and Recovery
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance