Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Has Proposition 13 Delivered? The Changing Tax Burden in California
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Code Termination Act: A Fact Sheet
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
IRS Reform: Innocent Spouse Rule
Publication Date: July 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
Marriage Penalty Tax Relief: The Gramm Amendment
Publication Date: June 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Issues: National Public Opinion
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit and the 105th Congress
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Level of Taxes in the United States, 1940-1997
Publication Date: April 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance