Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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The Work Opportunity Tax Credit: A Fact Sheet
Publication Date: April 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997: An Overview
Publication Date: October 1997 Research Area: Banking and finance
Gasoline Excise Tax - Historical Revenues: Fact Sheet
Publication Date: September 1997 Research Area: Banking and finance; Transportation
One Year Later: How the Clinton Tax Hike Is Harming America
Publication Date: August 1994 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Beware Return of Bracket Creep in Health Refor
Publication Date: June 1994 Research Area: Banking and finance; Health
Reducing the Crushing Tax Burden on America's Families
Publication Date: March 1994 Research Area: Banking and finance
Why Higher Tax Rates on Income Will Slow Growth, Cost Jobs
Publication Date: May 1993 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
The Flaws In Clinton's Energy Tax
Publication Date: March 1993 Research Area: Banking and finance; Energy
What's Fair, Anyway? A New Tax Plan for America
Publication Date: February 1993 Research Area: Banking and finance