Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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Putting Families First: A Deficit Reduction and Tax Relief strategy
Publication Date: February 1993 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Escalating the Pork Barrel Wars: Using Rescissions to Help Overtaxed Americans
Publication Date: May 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance
Pay for Tax Cuts with Spending Cuts, Not Pink Slips
Publication Date: March 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Plan for Economic Growth and Family Tax Freedom
Publication Date: February 1992 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
How the Kasten-Weber Tax Cut will Spur Economic Growth
Publication Date: November 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
Do Conservatives Have a Conservative Tax Agenda?
Publication Date: November 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Bentsen Tax Cut: Rediscovering Reaganomics
Publication Date: October 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance
Time to Repeal the Cold War Tax
Publication Date: October 1991 Research Area: Banking and finance