Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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40 Million Americans Can't Be Wrong: Save the IRAs
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
By Raising Spending and Killing the Deferral, The House Concocts a Taxpayer's Nightmare
Publication Date: April 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Congress Can Strengthen U.S. Energy Security
Publication Date: April 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance; Energy
Bob Packwood's Little Shop of Tax Horrors
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
The House Tax Bill: Penalizing U.S. Competitiveness
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Rosty Horror Tax Bill Show
Publication Date: December 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Case Against a Value-Added Tax
Publication Date: November 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
Another Shady Bait-and-Switch Tax Deal
Publication Date: July 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
Two Cheers for the Reagan Tax Revolution
Publication Date: May 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Federal Tax Debate : How Much Should Corporations Pay?
Publication Date: January 1985 Research Area: Banking and finance