Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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The Federal Tax Debate: Capital Gains
Publication Date: December 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
One Cheer for the Treasury Tax Plan
Publication Date: December 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Dole Tax Package: Selling America Another Lemon
Publication Date: November 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
New IRA Proposal Means Bigger Savings
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
How to Cure America's Capital Anemia
Publication Date: August 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
A Tax Cap: Bad Economics, Bad Politics
Publication Date: June 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Cuts: The Lower the Incomes, The Better It Looks
Publication Date: May 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
Seven Reasons for Saving the Tax Cut
Publication Date: April 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Tax Indexing: At Last a Break for the Little Guy
Publication Date: March 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance
H.R.500/S.222: Unleashing America's Savers and Investors
Publication Date: February 1983 Research Area: Banking and finance