Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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The Flat Tax Challenge
Publication Date: September 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Tax Package: It's Unfair
Publication Date: August 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Breach of Faith: The Tax Package
Publication Date: August 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance
A Surcharge: The Worst Tax?
Publication Date: April 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance
The Case for Tax Cuts Now
Publication Date: January 1982 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Tax Cuts: A Remedy for Inflation
Publication Date: May 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance
Analysis of the Carter Tax Proposal
Publication Date: July 1978 Research Area: Banking and finance
Tax Limitations: Reform for the Future
Publication Date: August 1977 Research Area: Banking and finance
IRS, IDC's, and Farmouts: A Critical Analysis
Publication Date: May 1977 Research Area: Banking and finance
IRS, IDC's, and Farmouts: A Critical Analysis
Publication Date: May 1977 Research Area: Banking and finance; Energy