Research Area: Taxation and tax policy

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How to Reform Entitlement Spending: A Memo to President-elect Obama
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
President-Elect Obama's Tax and Stimulus Plans
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Author(s): Roberton Williams
State Revenue Report # 74: State Tax Revenue Falling Sharply in Fourth Quarter, Early Data Show
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics; Government
How Big Are Total Individual Income Tax Expenditures, and Who Benefits from Them?
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Trends in Income Inequality, Volatility, and Mobility Risk
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Author(s): Austin Nichols
When Marginal and Statutory Tax Rates Differ
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Memo to the Next President: From Tax Cuts to Tax Reform
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance
Using Taxes to Reform Health Insurance
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance