Research Area: Agriculture and agricultural policy

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Agriculture and Related Agencies: FY2008 Appropriations
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Sugar Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Trade
Possible Expiration of the 2002 Farm Bill
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Farm Bill Proposals and Legislative Action in the 110th Congress
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Domestic Food Assistance: The 2007 Farm Bill and Other Legislation in the 110th Congress
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Social conditions
Dairy Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
What Is the "Farm Bill"?
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
The House-Passed 2007 Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) at a Glance
Publication Date: July 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Farm Bill Budget and Costs: 2002 vs. 2007
Publication Date: July 2007 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing