Research Area: Multiculturalism and cultural relations

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Soviet Jewish Immigration and the State of Israel
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Perspectives on the Resettlement of Soviet Jews
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Bridging the Gap Between a New Generation of American and Israeli Jews
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Culture and religion
A New Agenda for Tomorrow's Jewish Community?
Publication Date: January 1989 Research Area: Culture and religion
The Geo-Demographics of American Christian Attitudes Towards Jews and Israel
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: Culture and religion
Behind the Black-Jewish Split
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Culture and religion
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Glenn C. Loury
A Guide to Local Black-Jewish Relations
Publication Date: January 1985 Research Area: Culture and religion
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Gary E. Rubin
Black-Jewish Relations: A Strategy Paper For AJC
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Gary E. Rubin
Anti-Semitism in Historical Perspective
Publication Date: March 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion