Research Area: Religion and religious groups

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The Pope's Apology and the Grounds of Forgiveness
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion
Religion and Politics Today: Tearing Down Walls, Building Bridges
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion; Politics
Interview with Dr. Shepard Forman
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion
Athens versus Jerusalem: An Interview with Stephen Elkin
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion
Religious Wisdom in the Public Sphere?
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion
Interview with Douglas Rushkoff
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion
The Bomb: Black-Jewish Relations and Generation-X
Publication Date: July 2009 Research Area: Culture and religion