Research Area: Economic policy, planning, and development

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Immigration and Poverty: Disappointing Income Growth in the 1990s not Solely the Result of Growing Immigrant Population
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Jeff Chapman
The NBER Digest: September 2002 Issue
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Economics
Beyond TRIPS: A New Global Patent Regime
Publication Date: August 2002 Research Area: Economics
The NBER Digest: August 2002 Issue
Publication Date: August 2002 Research Area: Economics
How much AGOA? Growth and Opportunity in the African Growth and Opportunity Act
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Economics; Social conditions
Time to Fix the Federal Unemployment Benefits Program
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Economics; Labor
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Maurice Emsellem
The NBER Digest: July 2002 Issue
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Economics
Closing Indian Point: Implications for NYC Metro Energy Supply
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Economics; Energy
Closing Indian Point: The Physical Threat
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Economics; Energy