Research Area: Economic policy, planning, and development

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For Eastern Europe, An Agenda for Economic Growth
Publication Date: March 1990 Research Area: Economics
Why Asia Grows and Africa Doesn't
Publication Date: March 1990 Research Area: Economics
From the U.S. to Mexico: Friendly Advice on Ending the Farm Crisis
Publication Date: February 1990 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Economics
Family size and well-being : evidence from Thailand
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Bryant Robey
Indonesia's Economic Optimism
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: Economics
The Woods Report: Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
Publication Date: May 1989 Research Area: Economics
Immediate Test for Bush: Picking National Economic Commission Members
Publication Date: November 1988 Research Area: Economics
A Spending Freeze, Not New Taxes, Will Solve the Budget Crisis
Publication Date: December 1987 Research Area: Economics
At the Economic Summit: The Key Topic Must Be Spending
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Economics