Research Area: Economic policy, planning, and development

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Adjusting the Consumer Price Index
Publication Date: October 1981 Research Area: Economics
Budget Cuts: The Key to Economic Recovery
Publication Date: September 1981 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
An Analysis of the Reagan Economic Program
Publication Date: February 1981 Research Area: Economics
A Review of the Carter Budget (FY 1980)
Publication Date: January 1979 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
An Analysis of the Carter Anti-Inflation Program
Publication Date: October 1978 Research Area: Economics
Tax-Based Income Policy: Latest Approach to Wage and Price Controls
Publication Date: September 1978 Research Area: Economics
An Analysis of the Carter-Humphrey-Hawkins Proposal
Publication Date: November 1977 Research Area: Economics
The NBER Digest: October 2008 Issue
Publication Date: Research Area: Economics
The NBER Digest: May 2009 Issue
Publication Date: Research Area: Economics