Research Area: Economic relations

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Does Openness To International Financial Flows Raise Productivity Growth?
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Pakistan's Capital Crisis: Implications for U.S. Policy
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Economics
Why Global Development Matters and What the Next U.S. President Should Do About It
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Economics; Government
U.S. Foreign Aid to East and South Asia: Selected Recipients
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Economics; Government
Multitrack integration in East Asian trade : noodle bowl or matrix?
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Economics; Trade
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Peter A. Petri
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: It's Time to Separate the Conjoined Twins
Publication Date: September 2008 Research Area: Banking and finance; Economics
Publisher(s): Brookings Institution Author(s): Lex Rieffel
Burma: Economic Sanctions
Publication Date: August 2008 Research Area: Economics; Government
Arab League Boycott of Israel
Publication Date: August 2008 Research Area: Economics