Research Area: Colleges and universities

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Bigotry on Campus
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Education; Human rights
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Kenneth S. Stern
Conservatism and the American Academy: Prospects for the 1990 's
Publication Date: December 1989 Research Area: Education; Politics
College Admission Quotas Against Asian-Americans: Why Is the Civil Rights Community Silent?
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
How Philanthropy Can Improve the Quality of Higher Education
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: Banking and finance; Education
Ending College Admission Quotas Against Asian-Americans
Publication Date: June 1989 Research Area: Education
IRAs for College Education: Beware of Imitations
Publication Date: November 1987 Research Area: Education
Problems with the New Student Loan Pilot Program
Publication Date: September 1987 Research Area: Education
Jewish College Freshmen
Publication Date: January 1984 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education