Research Area: Education

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The Crisis of Contemporary Philosophy of Jewish Education
Publication Date: January 1973 Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Council for Jewish Education Author(s): Barry Chazan
Community Organization in the Field of Jewish Education
Publication Date: September 1958 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
The Preschool Program in a Jewish Community Center
Publication Date: December 1956 Research Area: Education
The Teacher as a Social Worker
Publication Date: April 1915 Research Area: Education; Social conditions
First Factory School For the Purpose of Eliminating Illiteracy Among Immigrant Women
Publication Date: August 1914 Research Area: Education; Population and demographics
The Need of a Distinictly Jewish Tendency in the Conduct of Jewish Education Institutions
Publication Date: January 1909 Research Area: Culture and religion; Education
Publisher(s): Kohn & Pollock Inc. Author(s): David Blaustein
Long Island Index 2004
Publication Date: Research Area: Education
Publisher(s): Long Island Index