Research Area: Fish industry

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Shrimp Trade Dispute: Chronology
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Genetically Engineered Fish and Seafood
Publication Date: December 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Catching the Aquaculture Wave
Publication Date: December 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Online News and Information Sources
Publication Date: September 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Education
Open Ocean Aquaculture
Publication Date: August 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Saltonstall-Kennedy Fishery Funding
Publication Date: May 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Overcoming Three Hurdles to IFQs in US Fisheries
Publication Date: April 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Legislation in the 107th Congress
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Environment