Research Area: Community and Economic Development

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Make the Workforce Investment Act Work for Latinos: Principles for WIA Reauthorization Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza; Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Profiles of Latino Health, Question 11: How many Latino health professionals are practicing in the United States? Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Profiles of Latino Health, Question 12: How much do Latinos know about their health, and what are their primary sources of information? Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Profiles of Latino Health: The Top 12 Questions About Latinos and Health Care Final Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Health Tax Incentives: Healthy Choices or Bad Medicine? Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Ailing Federal Investments in Latino Health Priorities Publication Date: January 2009 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Strengthening Relations Between Local Police and Immigrant Communities: The Role for Human Rights Commissions Publication Date: June 2008 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
After Stimulus: Sustainable Economic Security for Latinos Publication Date: March 2008 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Latino Health, Georgia's Future: Strategies for Improving the Health of Latinos in the State Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development
Averting Disaster: What the California Wildfires Can Teach Us About Reaching Latinos in Times of Crisis Publication Date: January 2008 Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Research Area: Community and Economic Development