Whats New in 2002? A Snapshot of Head Start Children, Families, Teachers, and Programs

Publication Date: May 2003

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Rachel Schumacher; Kate Irish

Research Area:

Type: Brief

Coverage: United States


This year, Congress is scheduled to reauthorize Head Start, a federal-to-local grant program for the provision of early childhood education, comprehensive services, and family support to poor preschool children and their families. This policy brief, the second in a series of analyses of Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) data by CLASP, describes the picture for Head Start children, families, teachers, and programs in the 2001-2002 program year, highlighting new data never gathered before for the PIR.

The 2002 PIR data confirm that Head Start serves a diverse population of low-income children and families. Most of these families are working poor, with minimum education levels. These children and families receive a variety of family support and comprehensive services through Head Start and through coordination with available services in their communities. The 2002 PIR data provide helpful contextual information as the reauthorization of Head Start moves forward.