Implementation of Individual Training Account Policies Under the Workforce Investment Act: Early Information from Local Areas

Publication Date: May 2001

Publisher: Center for Law and Social Policy

Author(s): Steve Savner; Nisha Patel

Research Area:

Type: Report

Coverage: United States


One of the key features of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is that WIA-funded training services for adults and dislocated workers must generally be paid for through vouchers called Individual Training Accounts or ITAs. Because many of the decisions about eligibility and priority for training services and about limitations on amounts and durations of ITAs are left to local workforce investment areas, policies have the potential to vary widely by locality. This preliminary report is the first stage of an on-going effort by CLASP to monitor implementation of ITAs. The report provides an overview of the requirements of the law related to training services and early examples of ITA policies that have been developed in local workforce investment areas.

Executive summary included as a supplementary file.